Jan 2, 2006 12:03 from Smoke Eater

After 145 Responses:

The mean age is 33.91 years The mode is 30 (23 users reported being 30) The standard deviation is 9.15 years

88.97% of users are within one standard deviation (between 24.76 and 43.06 years old) 6.21% of users are within two standard deviations 2.07% of users are within three standard deviations 0.69% of users are within four standard deviations

28.97% are in their 20s 57.24% are in their 30s 4.83% are in their 40s 6.21% are in their 50s 0.69% are in their 60s 2.07% are in their 70s

The margin of error, based on 2934 total accounts with 145 responses is 3.5% That means the percentage of users within one standard deviation could be as high as 91.47% or as low as 85.47%

The youngest user is 23 years old The oldest user is 79 years old

[Announcements] msg #17611 (0 remaining)]
