Ambush> ISCABBS' newest forum

Ambush Lunatic Asylum> Read New

Tomte is a stud while you are all ass munching, dick slurping fucked int he
head assholes
[Ambush Lunatic Asylum> msg #3623 (0 remaining)] Read cmd ->

I normally find the kind of language and anger expressed above to be quite shocking. I'm usually a mild-mannered gnome who seeks to avoid offending. But even I wonder what it would be like to be rude, boorish and ignorant. To verbally attack others, and be grossly inappropriate.

I think we all have a dark side, and denying or repressing that dark side can cause it to rage forth destructively and unexpectedly. While I'm still on the fence about Ambush>, I think it just might be healthy to have a place where rage is expected, or even encouraged.

Ambush> rules:

Welcome to Ambush>. This is a forum where you can tell your friends or enemies what your really ?!@#'n think of them. This anon-optional forum will be devoted to hostility, hatred, and general malevolence. Keep these guidelines close to your black withered hearts.


2) Keep your posts in a known language. Furthermore, if your command of any language is so poor that reading your posts is not possible, your post will be deleted, and you will be given a warning.

3) No Spamming.

4) Keep the "You're posting Anon, so you must be a fricking coward" thread to a minimum. It's amusing occasionally, but don't let Ambush boil down to that.

5) Flaming the FM is on-topic. Metadiscussion is ALLOWED here.

6) Expect to be flamed, to be flamed without mercy, and furthermore, to get your feelings hurt.

7) Forum v. One Person threads will be allowed until they get stale.

8) Do not fricking threaten anybody. Same as Rule 1, but needs to be reiterated.

9) Ambush> is a black hole forum. Topics discussed in Ambush> are not to be discussed elsewhere. Violation of this will result in Warnings and KO's from Ambush>
